She is starting to get more control over her body and I know it won't be long before she is sitting up on her own.
This past month I have seen her reach a few milestones. I heard her really laugh for the first time last weekend. We went to Greenville to see my dad who was there for a wedding and my brother Jon was holding her. He kept making fart noises and all of a sudden, she let out this huge belly laugh. It totally melted my heart!
She loves to hold onto toys and anything that dangles in front of her. She absolutely loves her play mat and she'll lay on it and just swat and grab and whatever is hanging above her.
One thing I'm not crazy about her doing lately is that she has started waking up in the middle of the night. Ever since the beginning of August, she has been sleeping on average 8-10 hours a night. However last week, she woke up at 3:00am and has been doing it ever since. Most people I have talked to seem to think she might be starting to cut teeth and have assured me that this phase will probably not last long. It's not really the waking up that I don't enjoy as much as the fact that she doesn't go back to bed very easily. In fact, some nights the only way she will go back to sleep is if I put her in the bed with me and Kevin. I definitely do not want to make a habit of this, but sometimes I am so completely exhausted that I will do whatever necessary to get her to go back to sleep. OK confession, I'm not crazy about her sleeping with us (mainly because I know it's not the safest thing in the world with her still being so little) but I do LOVE having her so close and snuggling with her for a few hours before I go to work.
She is getting so much personality and is really starting to be fun. I'm loving every milestone that she reaches and although I love watching her grow, I am already starting to feel that it is going too fast. She is definitely my sweet little girl and every moment with her reminds me of how precious life is.
"Oh Lexie Kate, you are so funny!!" |
These two little girls are so precious to me! I can't wait to see how much fun they have growing up together. |